How does the saying go? “The harder I work, the luckier I get”? There are a few ways to spin it. The bottom line is you have to create your own luck. Is there an element that plays a factor of being at the right place at the “right” time? Yes, no doubt. However, we cannot depend on things working themselves out by chance alone. Be proactive and take control of your environment. Nobody owes you anything. I think people often wait for things to happen because they are afraid of making the “wrong” decision. We are uncomfortable with the idea of change. Change is difficult, scary, and creates uncertainty.
There is no such thing as that “perfect” company or job that will always be around to take care of you, and tuck you in at night. Even the United States military has cutbacks! That’s why you have to create your own luck by putting yourself in front of opportunity. You’re here anyway. Might as well take control. The alternative is to be a victim; finding every reason why someone else put you at a disadvantage. Having the mindset of being the victim of circumstance will deteriorate you; never allowing you to grow. So take control. Today. Not tomorrow. Create your own luck.
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